TipNotes: Autosave Your Clipboard

“TipNotes” is a new series on this blog with useful tips & tricks on how to get the most out of SnipNotes.

SnipNotes on iPad can become a powerful research companion with the following settings:

  • General => Save source of clipboard items: When you copy text from Safari, SnipNotes will automatically append the URL of the webpage to the note
  • Main App => Save clipboard content automatically: SnipNotes will automatically save the contents of your clipboard whenever the app is visible

Put SnipNotes side-by-side with another app (e.g. Safari) and start copying text or images. SnipNotes will automatically create a new note out of each clipping. ? Every text note will have the URL of the webpage attached to the bottom.

Take a look at this video for a quick demo:

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